Customized Fitness

Only $99

Strengthio Coach at Strengthio LLC is an new innovative and psychological approach to improving strength and cardiovascular performance and overall wellness by defining the end user's characteristics and personality types and then finding the appropriate activity match. That could mean a variety of recommendations, Personal Training, a Home Fitness Program, Group Exercise Classes, local Health Club or YMCA.

Our recommendations come from an experienced Exercise Science Team. Our experts include; Former Health Club Owners, ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Degreed Exercise Science, Nurses and Nutrition Experts and Strength and Conditioning Coaches. We are experts in every avenue of fitness and we also are also experienced commercial and home equipment suppliers.

Our recommendations could include mean a variety of activities.... Personal Training, a Home Fitness Program, Group Exercise Classes, local Health Club or YMCA and Home Fitness Equipment.

Currently if you visit all of those entities.... they have one goal regardless of your background, characteristics and personality type....and that is to sell you what they are selling. Although, they mean well, we know they are missing the most important element of success of your long term fitness program. We make sure your personality traits are lined up with your program, its key...without that you can plan to fail


Call us today to set up a 1-on-1 appointment and make the best decision you could ever make in your lifestyle improvement.

It is our goal through this survey to measure the history and psychological aspects as it pertains to our recommendation to make sure you succeed. We feel the psychology of fitness programming is often missed and often not even discussed.


We aim to provide the most professional and expert recommendation based on ALL relative factors, emphasizing the psychological part.

Our goal, unlike everyone else is not to sell you something. We can however make recommendations that we have decades and "may" specialize in... such as Personal Training, Group Exercise and Home equipment. Our recommendation might say "join the local health club" if that's your best fit.